otherPHOTO Video Arte
Alexander Sterzel
Trovo che l’arte di Alexander Sterzel abbia un approccio e un metodo di
ricerca molto simile all’archeologia: attraverso stratificazioni cerca di
svelare la vita dei suoi soggetti. Persone morte, forse anche solo
interiormente, sospese in un limbo in attesa di essere “scoperte”.
Alexander Sterzel lives and works in the Stuttgart area. In his works he
visually captures the associations and relationships of life. We see human
figures and others from a more fantasy background like angels, gnomes,
ghosts. It seems as if the artist has captured sequences from dreams. But
those figures are always engaged in dramatic circumstances, some of which
they have caused themselves, others where forced on them by fate.
Medicine, literature, religious arguments, old and faded photographs,
X-ray films and secretive codes create an exciting cross section which
Sterzel uses to sketch out otherwise inexplicable forms of life and
suffering. In addition, the transition from here to eternity, from grief
to hope, decay and remembering are a central part in the work of the
This applies to his artwork and his movies.
"I am Death - la vita é bella", 2011-2013, Germany. 2.40 minutes.

2nd Lugano
Film Festival
Lugano (Switzerland)

Alexander Sterzel
am death - la vita é bella"
2.40 Minuten, Deutschland, 2011-2013
Trovo che l’arte di
Alexander Sterzel abbia un approccio e un metodo di ricerca molto simile
all’archeologia: attraverso stratificazioni cerca di svelare la vita dei suoi
soggetti. Persone morte, forse anche solo interiormente, sospese in un limbo in
attesa di essere “scoperte”.
